



98-364数据库管理Database Fundamentals100
98-365Windows Server管理Windows Server Administration Fundamentals100
98-366网络管理Networking Fundamentals100
98-367网络安全Security Fundamentals100
98-368移动设备与云计算Mobility and Devices Fundamentals100
98-375HTML5应用程序开发HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals100
98-381Python编程应用Introduction to Programming Using Python100
98-382JavaScript编程应用Introduction to Programming Using Javascript100
98-383HTML和CSS的编程应用Introduction to Programming Using HTML and CSS100
98-388Java编程应用Introduction to Programming Using Java100
77-725Word 2016 Core专业级Word 2016: Core Document Creation, Collaboration and Communication100
77-726Word 2016 Expert专家级Word 2016 Expert: Creating Documents for Effective Communication100
77-727Excel 2016 Core专业级Excel 2016: Core Data Analysis, Manipulation, and Presentation100
77-728Excel 2016 Expert专家级Excel 2016 Expert: Interpreting Data for Insights100
77-729PowerPoint 2016PowerPoint 2016: Core Presentation Design and Delivery Skills100
77-731Outlook 2016Outlook 2016: Core Communication, Collaboration and Email Skills100

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